cron メモ


cron 設定することを書いたんだけど、何せ久しぶりなもんだから色々忘れていたので調べたメモ。

cron が見る場所







crond の再起動は必要ない。だってmanくんがそう言ってるし。。ちなみにこれは Linux(Vixie Cron) だけど、AIX は違うらしいね。

cron  then  wakes  up every minute, examining all stored crontabs, checking each command to see if it should be run in the
current minute.  When executing commands, any output is mailed to the owner of the crontab (or to the user  named  in  the
MAILTO  environment  variable  in  the crontab, if such exists).  The children copies of cron running these processes have
their name coerced to uppercase, as will be seen in the syslog and ps output.

Additionally, cron checks each minute to see if its spool directory's modtime (or the modtime on  the  /etc/crontab  file)
has  changed, and if it has, cron will then examine the modtime on all crontabs files and reload those which have changed.
Thus cron need not be restarted whenever a crontab file is modified.  Note that the crontab(1) command updates the modtime
of the spool directory whenever it changes a crontab.
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